Mice Affairs Media Launches Club for MICE Industry Professionals - A Platform to Connect and Network

-Mice Club to bring together key stakeholders from all domains of MICE i.e. Meeting Incentive Conference and Events-
Mice Affairs Media group has launched a new initiative by the name of Mice Club to vcreate a platform for industry players to connect, network and voice their opinion on various issues concerning the industry. This is a first of its kind club which shall be covering the all vertcials of MICE industry. The club shall have represebtatives from Meeting and Incentive Planner companies from the travel domain and corporate buyers, on the other hand conference and event organizers as well. In the first phase Club is welcoming members from all these domains irrespective of the location domestic or international.
"We always wanted to craete such kind of opportunity creater platform for members from MICE Industry, where individuals and organizations across different domains represneting all four and more verticals of MICE can join for common interest. And here we we are, its an honest try in the same direction." quoted managment from Mice Affairs Media group.
Queries for Mice Club can be emailed at sachin@miceaffairs.com
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